Well, when I started this blog, I thought it would just be for me and my teachers. Turns out, I've gotten a lot of hits from random people googling the phrases on my blog. Thanks for reading!
Courtship behavior is the actions between mutually attracted individuals of the opposite sex. Male peacocks spread their colorful tail feathers, like the ones pictured at my house, to attract female peacocks.
A long-day plant is a plant that flowers only after being exposed to light in periods longer than a certain critical length, like in summer. Lettuce, such as the kind pictured here from the grocery store, is a long-day plant.
Homologous structures are body parts that are alike because, according to the theory of evolution, the species in question share a common ancestor. For example, the human ear ossicle is similar to the fish jaw bone. This is a picture of my ear to represent the human ear ossicle and a picture of salmon at Publix to represent the fish jaw bone.
Lipid is a fatty or waxy organic compound that s readily soluble in non-polar solutions. Oil, such as the olive oil in my kitchen, is a lipid used for energy storage in animals.